
Welcome to the new affoGATO Cat Cafe website. It’s amazing to finally meet you!

My partner Eddie and I have actually been working on everything affoGATO-related for the last several months, but we’re finally ready to show the world! So check out the site to learn more about us, and follow us on social media so you don’t miss any updates. The next few months are going to be a whirlwind!

The plan is to fundraise in very early April, and the info will be here on our site and across all channels. Keep a close eye out, because the window will be short to get some exclusive, locally printed affoGATO gear, entry to the opening party, and more!

We have another exciting announcement or two almost finalized as well, so stay tuned.

Until then, we wanted to introduce ourselves and get to know you all, too! So please explore the site, we’re always happy to answer questions. Also, feel free to leave a comment and/or introduce yourselves here or on our social media!

Update 4/11/17: Our fundraiser is coming soon, we promise! We’re waiting to finalize the details with our partner shelter before we launch, so that we can be transparent and give you guys as much info as possible. It’s currently looking like it will be next week!



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