All of the cats at affoGATO Cat Cafe are rescue cats from the Cleveland Animal Protective League.
Since cats are constantly getting adopted and moving in, the site may not always be 100% accurate. Please check back frequently, or contact us about cats you’re interested in.
You can come relax and hang out with the cats with no pressure or guilt like a pet store; we’re just happy you’re pampering them like the superstars they are! But if you do fall in love with a cat (or, let’s be real, a cat chooses you), then you can adopt them right from affoGATO!
Click here for adoption application and cat lounge visits. Or, learn more about adopting here. Prefer to stay at home? No problem! You can also watch the cats on our free livestream!
Tap to see an overview, click their name for a longer profile!
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At The Cleveland APL
Sometimes our feline friends can’t stay at the cafe, and need to return to the shelter for vet checks, because they’re stressed in the cafe environment, or for other reasons! You can still inquire about these cats here, or stop by the Cleveland APL any time during their business hours to meet them!
Important Links and Info
- Meet more cats. Click here to see more cats available at the Cleveland APL!
- Adoption Process. Click here to learn how to adopt at affoGATO!
- Can I Bring My Cat? No, please don’t. We have plenty here!
- Found Cat / Need to Rehome. Click for admissions and rehoming info!
- Relationship with the Cleveland APL. Click here to learn more about our work together!
- Ask Our Staff. We are always excited to talk about the cats! Contact us, or make a reservation to come visit!
- Remember, it is against the law to abandon animals outside affoGATO Cat Cafe.